Blog Small Business

Small Businesses | The 3 Types

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This post can be your starting point to know about the type of small business you are interested in. Follow the links to more articles.

Do You Have a Small Businesses?

Small businesses are simply the ones with a small team AND small revenue. Most businesses start small, but they need not stay small for long. It all depends on the idea, the leadership, and the execution of the idea. We are describing some small businesses here to give you a starting point to follow different articles and sections relevant to your business on this website. Possibly the information will help you make your business BIG and grow FASTER.

Small Business

Why would this information help? Don’t most small business run without any such ‘gyan‘?

It is true that most small businesses run by only the thoughts, ideas, and methods of the business owner. However, it is also a fact that most small businesses remain small for generations. Isn’t that so? Small businesses are often family-run or started and founded by an individual or a few partners. Most of these founders have no experience or knowledge of how to take the business to the next level. Many don’t even want to, as they think it would be a hassle. The uncertainties make them uncomfortable.

What we share on this website is not magic. It is just that the BizLeader team has that experience of understanding small businesses as well as big, global businesses. That bridging of knowledge and vision between big and small is what we wish to help the local businesses take advantage of.

Localized Business

Localized Businesses

The simplest and the most common is the localized business. These can be shops, restaurants, local services, and institutions that cater to the local population. ‘Local Population’ isn’t really strictly defined. It may be catering to the immediate vicinity, or it may be serving an entire region of the city or town. We will not specifically discuss the rural market, but most rural businesses are quite local.

How can local businesses become successful or bigger?

Regional Business

Regional Businesses

Regional Businesses serve a larger area. Consider the entire town or city. It could even be the district or a certain culturally similar wider area. We say ‘culturally similar’ matters significantly in this way of doing business. Sometimes a regional business can even be reaching out to the entire country, such as by mail order or through online stores. More about it in the other posts we will share soon.

The way a local business runs and how a regional business runs is quite different. The thought, the processes, the outreach, everything is different. How can a local business become regional, as the next step? By changing these very aspects: thought, processes, etc.

How can regional businesses scale up to become big?



Startups, also written as start-ups, are the new variants of business. They usually start small but not always. After the recent meltdown of Venture Capital ecosystem world-over (but even more in India) it has become more difficult for startups to be big from the start.

Though many new businesses call themselves startups, the ideal startup is one that is scalable to a very high revenue potential. On BizLeaders we will keep this definition in mind to differentiate these different types of small businesses.

How can startups get funding? What is the right startup idea? What makes startups successful?

Follow the links on this post to the type of small business you are interested in. If you feel any small business type doesn’t fit into these three categories, then please put that in the comments below. We are developing more content for you on this website. Keep coming back for more links to be added and answers to the questions above. In the meanwhile, contact us for any immediate needs. You can also subscribe to out newsletter (see subscribe method at the bottom of any page.)

Startups! 7 Secrets to Winning ... or Losing
Sam Altman's Ouster from OpenAI


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