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Leadership Trivia

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Here’s a fun quiz for you to try and see how many facts about leadership you are aware of or have the right perception about.

Leadership makes or breaks an organization, whether corporate, social, or military. The leadership gives direction to the team, creates a culture for the team to work well together, and the motivation to work towards the organization goals.

Lack of leadership is like a road without traffic rules and chaos. Do you imagine the traffic jam?

Wrong leadership can have an equally wrong effect. Think about over-speeding, road-rage, lane-cutting, and breaking all traffic to go ahead from each other.

With that little brief, let’s start the quiz. It may give you some insights for tweaking your leadership style or reconfirming the good in your style. You will get the correct or incorrect response immediately on selecting the answer option as purple or pink color, respectively.

Trivia Correct Incorrect

  • 1 of 7

    What percent of employees will quit their jobs due to lack of appreciation from leaders, according to research?

    • 79%
    • 36%
    • 17%
  • 2 of 7

    What percentage of women have board of director roles in the workplace?

    • 8
    • 15
    • 25
    • 35
  • 3 of 7

    By what percentage do companies have higher profits when their employees feel engaged (heard, involved, appreciated, contributing, etc.)?

    • 22%
    • 6%
    • 11
  • 4 of 7

    Who said this? "Leadership is lifting a person's vision to high sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations."

    • Bill Gates (Software Billionaire)
    • Winston Churchill (British Prime Minister during WWII)
    • Peter Drucker (Management Guru)
  • 5 of 7

    Who said: "Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall."

    • Stephen Covey (Author of '7 Habits of Highly Effective People')
    • Abraham Lincoln (American President, 1861-1865)
    • Chinese Proverb
  • 6 of 7

    This leader started the culture in his organization of giving credit to the team for successes and for the leader to take the blame for failures. Who is he?

    • Phunsukh Wangdu (Founder of Rancho Institute of Innovation)
    • Homi Jehangir Bhabha (Founder of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)
    • Vikram Sarabhai (Founder of Indian Space Research Organisation)
  • 7 of 7

    Which is Sixth Leadership Style: 1. Transformational Leadership, 2. Delegative Leadership, 3. Authoritative Leadership, 4. Transactional Leadership, 5. Participative Leadership ...

    • Servant Leadership
    • Boss Leadership
    • General Leadership


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