About Us – Our Top 6 Consulting Services To Make Your Business Wow!

We are your partners to help your business succeed. You know better about your business, but we can help you on professional consulting services that you may need to make your business wow.

For Small Business

Small businesses struggle to reach beyond the local audience. The have limited workforce and other resources. They usually know about the business but not how to use professional tools and the digital medium to reach far and wide. They also have limited knowledge of branding.

If any of that sounds like your business, then first of all you are not alone, and second of all you are not on your own! That’s where BizLeader comes in, to help you get over all these bottlenecks and choke points.

Talk to us. Tell us what your vision is and what is stopping you from achieving it.

For All Businesses

Leadership! That can be the singular reason for the great successes of a business, or stagnancy. If you, as a leader, are feeling stuck, not able to resolve some leadership issues (such as not able to get the best from your teams) we can bring in that fresh way to look at the challenges.

Learning! A team that stops learning will forget even what they know. If you want your teams to continue to learn but don’t know how to do it efficiently, then … you know … it’s us that you may be looking for.

We are just a call away. Or you may contact us here.

Our Consulting Services

These are not really services. We have just used the title for familiarity. What we provide is ‘teamwork’. We become a part of your team, understand how business happens, and then work with you to identify possible solutions.

These skills and the knowledge for them takes decades and experience to develop. It doesn’t come just from getting a business degree, reading a few books, or doing online courses. That’s also because there is no one way and no perfect way. It needs to be fine-tuned as we go. That’s what makes them so difficult.

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Small organizations often find teams lacking professionalism. Casual commitments. No response to messages. No promises kept. Tardiness. And so on. These skills are not taught in most schools and colleges. They are learnt on the job, through mentorship, and training. Organizations may not realize why their efficiency is low, why tasks never get completed on time and budget, why quality is not satisfactory. If there’s one thing that can make all this better, it is professionalism. Hardly anybody provides such mentorship. It isn’t easy. It requires time and patience from everyone involved.

Businesses need the right processes to function smoothly and efficiently. In factories the processes are often defined by ho the machine works, but what about the processes in offices? Most small businesses don’t have processes. Whatever the team does is just what they think is right or what was told by their senior. A well thought out process can make a big difference to the speed of product/service delivery, quality, and profitability.

Small organizations find it difficult to develop a brand. What is a brand? It can be anything from the reason we purchase a specific technology product to the particular local sweet shop you always go to. Why only them, when there are so many? It isn’t always just quality. It is a promise of something important. Quality, or just trust. Aspirational value, or value for money. You know you want just that value that the name promises. Would you like to develop a brand? It requires investment, sometimes more of time than money. If you are prepared, so are we.

The internet has evolved from Web 1.0 to 2.0 to now going on to 3.0. Most of the websites of small businesses are still just version 1.0.

What is the difference?

Web 1.0 was when websites were just digital brochures or books. The owner published something and the visitor would read/watch/listen to it.

Web 2.0 is the social internet. The owner creates less content, the public does most of it. That interaction is critical in engaging potential customers. That’s where small businesses need professional help. The general website makers and business owners have no idea of how to use the social web and its importance for a business.

[Don’t worry yet about web 3.0. It is yet to make a major impact for most businesses.]

Many big and small, new and old, organizations struggle with leadership issues. This isn’t specific to small businesses. Leaders can be of small or big organizations, companies or social, political or military. Each type of organization requires a different way to lead. Some methods work everywhere, some are specific to the organization type.

No, it isn’t about being THE boss, giving orders, making decisions, giving targets and questioning performances. These actions may be called managerial. Leadership is much above all this. Leaders bring the best out of their team in ways that are not apparent. Managerial actions cannot make people creative, innovative, dedicated, responsible, and even happy doing their work.

Let’s talk more about this.

A dynamic team in a growing business need to constantly learn. Some of this leaning is from the experiences and mentorship of seniors, and a lot more can be focused, organized learning/training. The organized learning can be on the floor of the workplace, or in a classroom, or online (call it digital or e-learning).

The question always comes up about how much to do what type of learning and how to use the scarce resources (mostly budget and time) efficiently. Not investing these resources is not an option, and learning is for everyone in the hierarchy. Without planned learning the team (including managers) does whatever they FEEL is the best, which isn’t always right.

Let us work with you to work out the best learning plan.

For any or all of these needs, call us or send us this form.